The Winnetka Heights Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 1981 to provide a forum and an active support group for the residents of the Winnetka Heights Historic District in order to make the area a safer, more attractive and a better place to live.
We work to promote the enhancement of the historic district, including park and street beautification, sidewalk repair, installation of historic street lamps, code enforcement and preservation awareness projects, crime patrols, and to create a sense of community among our neighbors through social events and family activities.
Advertised as “Dallas’ Ideal Suburb” by the Russell Realty Company in 1911, Winnetka Heights stands today as Dallas’ best example of preserved, intact tum-of-the-century housing.
Originally included in the Midway Addition to the city of Oak Cliff in 1890, it was replatted as Winnetka Heights in 1908. Four prominent businessmen — L.A. Stemmons, T.S. Miller, Jr., J.P. Blake, and R.S. Waldron — developed the 50 square-block area as a prestigious suburb. Sales were brisk, with several millionaires building opulent Prairie-style homes in the first wave of construction. All four of the developers built their homes here, but only the J.P. Blake home at 401 N. Rosemont Ave., and the T.S. Miller home at 101 North Montclair remain today. Wonderful examples of Arts and Crafts/Prairie architecture, they stand as a bye-gone reminder of these first families and their lifestyles. As time went by, lots were subdivided to allow for the construction of bungalows and cottages. Each home, be it two-story Prairie or bungalow, was constructed with the finest materials and craftsmanship throughout. All the houses had distinctive exteriors and rich details inside.
The end of World War II ushered in Winnetka Heights’s decline, as demand for housing forced many of the grand old homes to be cut up into apartments. Urban blight took its toll through the 1960s until young homeowners began buying and restoring these homes. Attracted to the extraordinary old architecture, low prices and in-town convenience, they sought to restore the area while seeking protective zoning as an historic district. The first Oak Cliff neighborhood to be rezoned, the Winnetka Heights Historic District was created by the city of Dallas in 1981. The Winnetka Heights Neighborhood Association is dedicated to the preservation of this area as an enduring symbol of early 20th century life, while ensuring Winnetka Heights remains the most vibrant historic district in the city.
Ready to Renovate? Read These First.
Winnetka Heights Ordinance
This city ordinance details the “rules” of owning a home in Winnetka Heights Historic District, including the necessity to get a Certificate of Appropriateness for exterior modifications.
Certificate of Appropriateness
As a historic district homeowner, you are required to submit a Certificate of Appropriateness to the city if you want to make improvements (even small ones) to the exterior of your home.
Current Board Members

Are You a Neighbor?
Learn more about the perks of your membership in the Winnetka Heights Neighborhood Association, including fun social events and preservation-minded neighborhood programs.