We hope to see everyone at the Annual Membership meeting, where we will elect new association officers. We need a quorum of neighbors to host elections and approve the budget. Please make plans to attend!
Be sure to come cast your vote for the new association officers. The WHNA Nominating Committee has nominated the following individuals to be officers during the 2023-2024 term:
President - Tammy Weiss
Vice President - Mark Jones
Secretary/Historian - Amy Lowenstein
Your Nominating Committee
Lauren Tankersley, Committee Chair, Current Board Member
Richard Ewers, Past President
Cecelia Stewart, Neighbor At Large
If you're a resident of Winnetka Heights, you're automatically a member of the neighborhood association, and your vote is very important. We hope to see you there!
To review our by-laws including information about officer roles, requirements, terms, etc. please click here: WHNA By-Laws.